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Business Letter CH. 9 Assignment

Business Letter CH. 9 Assignment

Q Please do the following assignment and upload to tab Assignment: Please write a business letter to a customer or “stakeholder” involved in your business (please relate this to YOUR job, or what you anticipate will be your career/job) about a problem that needs to be addressed or that has been a concern. Please understand this is PURELY HYPOTHETICAL and you are making this up. This needs to be a one-page letter, following the guidelines in the book and in the video. Please make this professional in nature (headings, date, letterhead, etc.) and remember this is a LETTER, not an email, not a memo.

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Saif Grocery Store 521 Ring Park Lane Edmore, MI 48829 June 10, 2018 Ms. Ashley Smith 99 Crown Circle Allenton, MI 48002 Dear Ms. Smith, This is to inform you that some of Saif Grocery Store’s recent grocery items purchased by you have been in poor conditions. This is because of the issues which our store has been having with the system of refrigeration. There have been complaints made by you and other customers about the poor quality of some of our grocery products.